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Change Your Life By

Helping Others Change Theirs

Join us for this fun and engaging 30 minute webinar that demonstrates why the financial industry is booming and how other industries stack up in this gig economy. I really think you will find it fascinating. I promise you won’t be disappointed.

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Jan 21   7pm

As we round into 2021, we all know someone who has been affected by COVID. Along with the devastation of the illness, there have been many financial impacts. Many have experienced indefinite furloughs. Others have lost of their job. Some have needed to cope with reduced hours, while others adjusted to working from home. Perhaps it isn't just someone you know, maybe this is you!


If the economic and job insecurities of 2020 have you wondering if there are other opportunities out there, keep reading...


We are hosting a webinar tonight at 7pm designed to educate people about working as financial coaches. The coaching industry is booming! People are flocking to professional coaching because of its flexibility to create individual schedules and the opportunity to work virtually from anywhere. As coaches, people are gaining greater control of not just how they work but “why” they work. Helping others is the number one reason people get into coaching. So why not help yourself by helping others?


What people are saying about us...


"It is so important to provide this type of financial literacy service... you are just trying to protect yourself and your family.  Protect me from doing things I shouldn't be doing."

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Do You Know What 

You Really Need?

If Social Security wasn't guaranteed at retirement, what would you need to pay for your living expenses and enjoy life?


A little planning today can avoid surprises tomorrow.



What Your REAL retirement number is?







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